2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), divided
1 pound ground chicken or ground turkey breast
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
Salt and black pepper
4 sandwich-size whole wheat English muffins
8 egg whites or whole eggs, your choice
1/4 cup milk or reduced fat milk
A dash or 2 of hot sauce (optional)
1 scallion, finely chopped
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
Optional toppers:
Thinly sliced apple
Tomato slices
Sliced dill pickles
Pre-heat broiler.
Pre-heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat with one turn of the pan of EVOO.
In a mixing bowl, combine the ground chicken or turkey breast, maple syrup, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Form four large, thin patties and cook 10-12 minutes, turning once. Remove and reserve. Heat another tablespoon of EVOO in the skillet. Beat egg whites or eggs with milk, salt and pepper, hot sauce and chopped scallion. Pop the split English muffins under the broiler to toast when you add eggs to the skillet. Scramble eggs, then remove the muffins from oven. Top each muffin bottom with a sausage patty, a quarter of the eggs and 1/4 cup cheese. Reserve the tops and place the sammies under the broiler for one minute to melt cheese. Top with sliced apples or tomatoes or pickles or just set the tops in place and serve.
This is one of many "Yum-o!" recipes – it's good and good for you. To find out more about Yum-o!, Rachael's nonprofit organization, go to www.yum-o.org.