1 box chopped spinach, 10 ounces
1 loaf ciabatta bread, (flat, rectangular or oval shaped Italian bread, 12-14 inches long and 8 inches wide – substitute focaccia loaf if ciabatta is not available to you)
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), for drizzling
2 cups ricotta cheese
2 cloves garlic, chopped
3 tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsley, (a handful)
1/4 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano, (a generous handful)
1 can artichokes, drained and sliced
Salt and pepper
2 cups shredded mozzarella or Italian cheese blend available on dairy aisle in sacks
Pre-heat oven to 400°F.
Defrost spinach 6 minutes on high and wring the spinach dry in a kitchen towel. Crust bread in oven for 5 or 6 minutes. Remove and split bread in half from end to end as if it were a large sandwich roll.
Turn broiler on. If your broiler is too small to place ciabatta breads under it, you can melt the cheese in oven as well, see below, it simply browns faster under broiler.
Drizzle hot bread with EVOO. Mix ricotta, garlic, parsley and grated cheese. Spread the mixture evenly over the bread halves then dot with the defrosted chopped spinach. Evenly distribute the sliced artichokes, season the breads with salt and pepper and top with an even layer mozzarella cheese. Melt and brown the cheese under the broiler 3 minutes, 1 rack down from the top of the oven. If you are using the oven rather than broiler, the cheese will take 6or 7 minutes to brown. Cut into bread into wedges and serve. If desired, serve with The Big Dipper: Simple Marinara Dipping Sauce.