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Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies with Ice Cream


  • 1 package store-bought chocolate chip cookie mix (dry ingredients), available on the baking aisle at the grocery store, such as Duncan Heinz or Betty Crocker brand (check the label to see what the mix-in ingredients are e.g. butter and egg)

  • Green vegetable food coloring

  • 1 teaspoon mint extract

  • 2 pints peppermint stick flavor or mint chocolate chip ice cream


Pre-heat the oven according to the cookie mix package directions. Prepare the cookie mix according to directions with the addition of a few drops of green food coloring and the mint extract. Adjust deepness of the color to your liking; three drops is enough to make it a medium color green. Scoop heaping tablespoons of the cookie batter onto two cookie sheets; you should get about 2 dozen scoops. Bake the cookies until just lightly golden at the edges, remove and cool slightly. Serve with peppermint stick or mint chocolate chip ice cream.

For a fun, tasty and minty ice cream sammie, place small scoops of ice cream between two cookies. Push the ice cream to the edge and coat in mini dark chocolate chips or chocolate shavings. Place in freezer individually wrapped.