4 slices bread, white or wheat
2 tablespoons butter
4 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
4 deli slices Swiss or cheddar cheese
Use a round cookie cutter to cut out a hole in the center of each of the four slices of bread. Remove the holes. Have a grown-up helper (GH) heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Put the butter in the skillet and let it melt. Have your GH arrange the bread in the skillet for you. Next, have your GH crack one egg and drop it in the hole of one slice of bread. Repeat with the remaining eggs and bread. The eggs are the birds and they nest in the bread! Season eggs with salt and pepper and cover the skillet with foil so that the eggs cook on top, too. When the eggs are cooked, top the birds in their nests with cheese "blankets" and replace the foil loosely on top of the skillet to melt the cheese.
This is one of many "Yum-o!" recipes – it's good and good for you. To find out more about Yum-o!, Rachael's nonprofit organization, go to www.yum-o.org.