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Spider Deviled Eggs


  • 1 dozen large organic eggs

  • 2 tablespoons onion, grated

  • 1 clove garlic, pasted or grated

  • 2 tablespoons pickle relish

  • About 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 tablespoon mustard, yellow or Dijon

  • 1 tablespoon hot sauce

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 teaspoon paprika

  • 3-4 tablespoons mayonnaise

  • Thinly sliced red chili pepper, such as small Fresno chili peppers, for garnish

  • A few black pitted olives, cut into 8 slivers each for each egg


Place the eggs in a pot, cover with water and bring to full boil. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let stand for 10 minutes.

Drain then crack the eggs by shaking the pot and running them under cold water until cool enough to handle.

Peel the eggs and halve them lengthwise or trim the tops and remove the yolks to present the eggs upright. You should have 12 upright eggs or 24 halved eggs.

To the hard-boiled egg yolks, add the grated onion, grating directly over the bowl to catch the onion juice, along with the garlic, relish, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, hot sauce, salt, pepper and paprika. Add the mayo, a tablespoon or two to start. Mash to very smooth, adding a bit more mayo if too dry.

Cut a corner off a plastic food storage bag and fill with the deviled filling. Pipe the filling into the egg whites.

In the center of each egg, garnish with a bulls-eye of thinly sliced red chili pepper and arrange slices of the black olive around the pepper to create the illusion of a spider with legs.